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The Sit Down Stand Out Show
March 22, 2023

What Speaks to you? with James Cox

Cerebral Palsy awareness month continues with fellow podcaster James Cox one of the host behind the When Words Fail Music Speaks podcast. on this episode we discuss a variety of topics including the challenges disabled people...

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May 17, 2023

Finding your outlet with Reginald Clark

There is no substitute for hard work Reginald Clark is a prime example of this as he moved from New York to Atlanta GA at 25 years old to pursue his dreams of being an actor and male model. This major life change came with a ...

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May 31, 2023

Mind, Body, Soul one in the same with Ryan Syverson

Imagine being very competitive playing sports such as powerlifting, ice hockey, and golf just to name a few then suddenly feeling pain fatigue and exhaustion to point where the only thing you can do is your job and not knowin...

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June 14, 2023

Father Time with Quendon Spellman

Loosing a loved one at any age is a traumatic experience so, in recognize of PTSD awareness month and Father's Day approaching I sit down with Quendon Spellman who lost his father at age 12. We discuss the lessons of treating...

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July 12, 2023

No Assumption's Necessary with Shaquena Horace

You might be familiar with the phrase if you assume you make an ass out of you and me. Many people people have made that mistake with our guest Shaquena Horace. Shaquena lives her life with Spina Bifida, is unable to drive on her own ,and has faced many personal issues but, she uses her work as a s…

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July 26, 2023

A Not so Typical Episode with Kate Rowan

Autism, Epilepsy,Arthritis,Fibromyalgia, Dyspraxia just one of these conditions can make life challenging, our gust Kate Rowan has all of these conditions. On todays episode we discuss a variety of topics, how accessibility c...

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Aug. 2, 2023

Letting it all Hang Out with Karen Laven

We all have fears, whether it's Death, Change, Poverty or something as simple as a fear of spiders. Our guest Karen Laven was always a shy person but, once she became a parent that shines grew into (Agoraphobia) an anxiety disorder that can make it difficult for people to try new things or leave th…

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Aug. 9, 2023

The Not Quite Shawshank Redemption Story with Ryan Cameron

Growing up we all make mistakes such as, touching a hot stove putting our shoes on the wrong feet but, what is important is what we learn from our mistakes our guest certainly learned a lot from his. Ryan Cameron was arrested...

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Aug. 16, 2023

The Magic of Autism with Amy Kelland

Disabilities and mental health challenges, these are thing not asked for but given to us, not the thing that defines us but, are a part of who we are. Today's guest Actress, Singer Amy Kelland shares her story of how dealing ...

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Oct. 11, 2023

Be Prepared to Fall and get Back up with Penny B.

Penny B. has always loved learning new things and preforming from a young age. Despite being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder and Dyslexia Penny has tried to use her condition as an ability instead of considering the...

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Nov. 8, 2023

Learning to Survive, Rise, and Thrive with Teresa L'Heureux

Trigger warning this episode contains discussions regarding domestic violence and animal cruelty listener discretion is advised. Have you ever heard the expression "caught between a rock and a hard place? Teresa L'Heureux is ...

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Nov. 29, 2023

Cancer a new Page in my bigger story with Karen Bucknall

We all go through chapters on our own journey of life some good some bad but what's important is the people we meet along the way. Karen Bucknall has done many things from journalism, working as a flight attendant, even becom...

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Dec. 13, 2023

Getting Back in the Game of Life with Joe Rhea

When life knocks the hell out of you will you beat the odds? This is a question Joe Rhea asked himself many times after suffering a broken neck in 9th grade during football practice. Doctors told him he would never play footb...

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Dec. 20, 2023

Life is a Learning Process with Rob Swymer

Accept, Appreciate, Assess, these three steps can help you.get through any problem and challenges in life. Rob Swymer accepted the fact that he struggled in school, Rob appreciated his successful 42 year career as a sales exe...

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Jan. 24, 2024

Making and Taking Time for Healthy Choices with RHIANNA SANFORD

24 Hours are in a day and for different activity or tasks often people might say "I don't have enough time". Despite raising three children including one with a rare medical condition Rhianna Sanford has spend the last 15 yea...

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