Who's Hungry? With Ian Taverner

Ian Taverner just like the rest of us learned how to cook simply to survive, however bit by bit his health slowly started to wear him down mentally and physically. Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), Arthritis, Prinzmetal Angina, Anxiety and Depression caused Ian to go through a dark period called the groundhog years. Eventually with a lot of time, practice and patients Ian adapted his cooking methods and the tools he uses to fit hi accessibility needs to the point where he wrote his own cookbook called Mr. Cookfullness combining the joys of cooking with the mindfulness that as long as your are enjoying the cooking process, able to do it safely and enjoy what your eating anyone can cook.
So if you're hungry for more information on Ian Taverner's journey or you'd like to pickup your copy of Mr. Cookfullness check out the links below until next time Keep Calm and Roll On
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cookfulness-Therapeutic-Approach-Ian-Taverner/dp/1913568792/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2I49DBM574GUY&keywords=cookfulness+ian+taverner&qid=1700484136&sprefix=cookf%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1 https://x.com/cookfulness?t=JndQKDOMVKO1_5upmValeA&s=09
Until next time Keep Calm and Roll on.

Ian "Mr Cookfulness" Taverner
Cook/Food Writer/Author/Presenter
I'm a disabled cook who, after my health deteriorated significantly over the years, turned to cooking as a way to help me look up. It was a disaster with so many physical and mental barriers coming down. I've now found ways over/through all these barriers, wrote my cookbook, Cookfulness, to help people who find cooking really tough, and now run cooking demos, courses, programmes and talks to global Charities and organisations. I've taken a unique approach to cooking and wellbeing, turning cooking from something anxiety and pain ridden to something that will fill you joy and boost your independence.