When in Doubt Don't with Cayetana Uranga

Born with Cerebral Palsy people have doubted what Cayetana Uranga was capable, doctors doubted she could learn to speak English, university professors doubted whether or not she could complete her bachelor's degree in Fashion Management Cayetana Uranga has gone on two prove everyone wrong. Cayetana Uranga now works at Amazon and Target and films her free time exercising at the gym, playing with dog, cooking family dinners to raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy. Cayetana Uranga is a prime example of how people with cerebral palsy are capable of anything.
if you'd like to check out some of Cayetana Uranga's content click one of the links below
Until next time Keep Calm and Roll on.

Cayetana Uranga
Content creator/ Cerebral Palsy Advocate
My name is Cayetana and I am a disability advocate. I was born with cerebral palsy (CP) the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and I lost oxygen to my brain. Having CP has not stopped me from doing everything I wanted. Ever since I was little, my mother never treated me any differently than my sisters. Growing up with a positive outlook on life and the attitude of "yes, I can".
I was a determined kid. I started an Instagram and TikTok account called “Justcpnotspecial” just a few months ago to bring my awareness about CP and the individuals, like me, who live with it. Hoping to broaden your minds to the different challenges faced by persons with disabilities. I want to tell my story and my goal is to be an example and help young persons like me, with CP, in every way I can so that they can achieve their goals and personal satisfaction. My message to other people with disabilities is never to be ashamed to show who you are because you are you and that is perfect.