July 12, 2023

No Assumption's Necessary with Shaquena Horace

No Assumption's Necessary with Shaquena Horace

You might be familiar with the phrase if you assume you make an ass out of you and me. Many people people have made that mistake with our guest Shaquena Horace. Shaquena lives her life with Spina Bifida, is unable to drive on her own ,and has faced many personal issues but, she uses her work as a stand up comic and content promoter to live her best life. On today's episode we talk about how revealing details about your real live can make for great material, how social media can allow disabled people to showcase their independence and so much more.

You might be familiar with the phrase if you assume you make an ass out of you and me. Many people people have made that mistake with our guest Shaquena Horace. Shaquena lives her life with Spina Bifida, is unable to drive on her own ,and faces many personal issues but, she uses her work as a stand up comic and content promoter to live her best life. On today's episode we talk about how revealing details about your real live can make for great material, how social media can allow disabled people to showcase their independence and so much more.

If you'd like to check out Shaquana's comedic talents her own podcast or you just want to say hi click the links below until next Keep Calm and Roll On.






Until next time Keep Calm and Roll on.

Shaquena Horace Profile Photo

Shaquena Horace

Comedian/Social Media Personality

My name is Shaquena Horace and I am from originally from Phenix City, Alabama.

I am a five year Influencer on social media and Comedian. I hold the title of First Lady of Love Grooves. Shaquena has currently taken on the title of Social Media Manager for Crystal Bodie Smith.

My passion is educating people on the Disabled & Handicapped Community. Making sure the able body is well educated when they come in contact with people from the community.

My personal interests is music, writing, discovering new talent, and being a mentor.

I was born and raised in Phenix, City Alabama. I currently live in Columbus, Georgia.

My educational background consists of a GED, Diploma in Business Office Technology, and a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Administration.

My professional experience consist of Promoting videos on my YouTube Channel, as well as promoting comedy shows for the President of Love Grooves; Comedian Armani jones. I also promote my own shows. I’m responsible for making sure Crystal’s YouTube Channel thrives and she gets monetized.

My area of expertise is Promoting and making great content for people to watch while they are learning.

Major achievements is graduating from college with my Bachelor’s Degree, performing on stage with legendary comedian Teddy Carpenter, getting into comedy, and Comedian Armani Jones putting me on stage for the first time in 2021.

When people ask me when did I become an advocate for the disabled community; it’s hard to answer that. I don’t k… Read More