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In fall of 2021, as a healthy and very active 54-year-old woman, I found myself suddenly and inexplicably paralyzed on my right side.
After a month of repeated MRI’s and CT scans the source of the problem was revealed – Stage IV Lung Cancer with metastasis to my brain. Shocked is an understatement – I smoked once or twice in the 80’s as a teen (don’t tell my Mom), I had never worked near or around chemicals, and had spent the two years prior to my diagnosis cleaning up my diet and training 3-4 days a week with a personal trainer.
I was the healthiest I had ever been IN MY LIFE.
As it turns out, all you need to get lung cancer…are lungs.
Once the cancer was discovered I had an immediate craniotomy – brain surgery to remove the large tumor that was causing the paralysis. This was followed by a week in the ICU and then home to occupational and physical therapy. Learning how to walk again, regaining function of my right arm and hand, and letting my brain heal.
As scary as that sounds (and is), I consider myself lucky.
The surgery drained the tumor (unable to remove) and then I was prescribed a targeted therapy drug. A drug that “turns off” the cancer cells. My next scans were just a month after surgery and the mass in my lung had already started to decrease in size and the 15 small brain lesions were starting to disappear.
One year after my diagnosis I was “stable”. All brain lesions were gone and the only mass in the lung that was left was scar tissue. No chemo, no radiation…just a pill.
I give thanks for the scientists every day.
I would happily give cancer back if I could, but since I can’t, I’ve had to learn to accept living with this disease.
They say there is no greater path to unhappiness that being unwilling to accept what is. While I work on acceptance I also have to practice gratitude. Gratitude for the changes and opportunities in my life that would not have happened without this diagnosis. Deeper and more meaningful relationships, new priorities, learning to manage my stress level, and feeling more empowered than ever before.

Nov. 15, 2023

Cancer doesn't choose you can! with Marnie Clark

Marnie Clark seeming had the perfect life a happy marriage, a successful business, three happy full grown kids until everything changed. 2021 was a tough year for many but for Marnie it was especially challenging after a diag...

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