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TBI survivor

I used to bounce at a strip club in SE Portland.
On January 11th 2014 I denied entry to a man. He was being disrespectful to people in front of him in line ln front of him.
He was a homeless drug addict and he was there to meet a dealer for his fix.
He went out to the car he lived in. He put on a mask and grabbed a 9mm pistol.
He came back opened the door and shot me in the head.
There is a lot more to the story of what happened that night.
The bullet moved in an arc around the left side of my brain. It went slightly to the right side of the back of my head.
The bullet missed my brain stem (which if it had hit my whole brain would be dead) by the width of a hair.

Jan. 31, 2024

The inner and Outer Strength of Brian Rizzo

Tragedy is an inevitable part of the human experience, which can bring us down or build us back up into a stronger person. Brain Rizzo experienced two tragedies loosing a friend to a drug overdose as a teenager, and ten years...
Guest: Brian Rizzo