Hi, my names Abigail, I’m 21 and I’m currently in my 3rd year at university doing a dance degree. When I was 15 I got sick and had to drop out of school, dance and work. Since then I have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, POTS, Small Fibre Neuropathy, and I’m in the process of getting diagnosed with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I’m also an ambulatory wheelchair user, which can be very confusing when people see that I’m a dancer too and otherwise have a very active lifestyle, but I’m slowly trying to gain confidence in using my mobility aids, despite others opinions. I post a lot about my health on social media, as well as dancing videos and everyday life. I always think back to my 15yr old self and aim to be the person that she needed at the time. Someone to look up to, to see that chronic illness can be scary but there is life outside of it too, and ways of carrying on doing what you love, in a way that works for you. I also love volunteering and work closely with a childhood bereavement charity called Winston’s Wish; I talk on there about losing my sister to suicide when I was 13.
I’m also part of the LGBTQ+ community!