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The Sit Down Stand Out Show
Raising awareness of the talents and challenges of individuals on the Autism Spectrum
Oct. 26, 2022

Feeling the Light and Love with Michelle Sokol

Michelle Sokol, from the very beginning has had a passion to learn, from being able to read a full chapter book in first grade to gaining various degrees including her undergraduate degree in English with a minor in Child Dev...

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April 12, 2023

Meet The McGinn's Part 1 William McGinn

Willam McGinn has been creating for as long as he could remember from writing the Sly Cooper book series to voiceover work, book and film reviews and so much more. Willam was born with what was thought to be Aspergers Syndrom...

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April 19, 2023

Meet the McGinn's Part 2 Julie McGinn

This week we conclude our two part series Meet the McGinns with Julie McGinn as she shares her experience raising her first child, William as a child on the Autism Spectrum. Where she went to for research on the subject, what...

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July 26, 2023

A Not so Typical Episode with Kate Rowan

Autism, Epilepsy,Arthritis,Fibromyalgia, Dyspraxia just one of these conditions can make life challenging, our gust Kate Rowan has all of these conditions. On todays episode we discuss a variety of topics, how accessibility c...

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Aug. 16, 2023

The Magic of Autism with Amy Kelland

Disabilities and mental health challenges, these are thing not asked for but given to us, not the thing that defines us but, are a part of who we are. Today's guest Actress, Singer Amy Kelland shares her story of how dealing ...

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May 1, 2024

Enter the Eye of the Storm with Jaymes Buckman

For anything creative to succeed it takes the right time, the right people, and the right amount of passion to all come together. Jaymes Buckman despite living with high anxiety, autism and O.C.D. has always had a creative sp...

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May 29, 2024

Teachable Moments with Steven Burke

How many times has someone in your life told you need to have a backup plan for when things don't work out? Steven Burke has spent a large portion of his life learning how to organize and adapt to situation from dealing with ...

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July 10, 2024

Don't Think it Ink It with Caitie Brianna

The phrase Don't Think it ink it was coined by Mark Victor Hansen the founder and co creator for the Chicken Soup for The Soul book series. Our guest Caitie Brianna has used her love of drawing and tattooing as the chicken so...

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Oct. 30, 2024

Messy but, Necessary with Jackie Schuld

Major life changes such as the passing of a loved one, moving, or receiving a major diagnosis can be difficult to process. To deal with major change you may need to find an outlet or, coping strategy, on this episode join us ...

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