Aug. 23, 2023

Change The One Thing that Stays the Same

Change The One Thing that Stays the Same

Let me ask you a serious question, how often when you go to a grocery store or a familiar restaurant do you try something different? How do you feel about trying something new? Excited, grossed out, maybe even a little nervous these are natural reactions to small changes. While there are many things humans can control such as diet, occupation, exercise routine etc, unfortunatly there are some things humans never have and never will be able to control.  No matter how much we may love a routine a sense of normal so to speak there will be disruptions to it that are beyond our control such as a global pandemic, loved ones passing away, friends moving on to a new chapter in their lives, or simply getting older. While we can't control these major life changes we do have the power to control our responses to these change for example if one of your closest friends moved away and got a high paying job you have the option of maintaining that relationship by being happy for them and maintaining contact or, you could stop communicating allowing the relationship to grow apart until all you have is the positive memories. The point is, the most control you have in your life is over your actions don't let life change who you are for the worst use these changes to become the best version of yourself every day.

Podcasting Announcement

as of August 23, 2023 The Sit Down Stand Out Show Podcast is on temporary hiatus as the host will be taking time off as he will be moving to his new apartment and will require some time to adjust to it. We encourage you to continue to support the podcast by going back and listening to previous episodes as each individual's story deserves to be shared. Please consider leaving us a five star review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts  so that more people can find the show and until next time Keep Calm and Roll On